Thursday, August 27, 2020

Drafting Design Basics Essays

Drafting Design Basics Essays Drafting Design Basics Essay Drafting Design Basics Essay Picking up Drafting and Design Basics in an Online Environment: A Study Determining the Effectiveness by Davetta L. Gipson A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of ED7210: The Delivery of Distance Education June 4, 2004 100 Antioch Pike Nashville, TN, 37211 (615) 837-7103 [emailprotected] com Dr. Joann Kroll Wheeler Abstract Recently, the ITT Technical Institute Nashville Campus started offering their General Education courses in an online organization for approaching understudies. A solid chance exists that some specialized center courses will be offered later on utilizing a separation conveyance strategy to limit the measure of time understudies spend nearby. Examination concerning distinctive conveyance techniques is basic for a satisfactory correlation, just as figuring out which strategy, assuming any, eventual more qualified for the school and understudies the same. The focal point of this paper is to decide the best instructional innovation technique to be utilized for the starting PC helped drafting and structure course. The techniques to be looked at are PC helped guidance, PC based preparing and Web-based preparing. Chapter by chapter guide Table of Contents 3 List of Figures 4 List of Tables 5 Introduction 6 Understanding Computer-Aided Drafting Design 7 1 Board Drafting Skills 7 2 Computer Drafting Skills 11 Current Course Offering 12 Converting From Traditional Method to Distance Delivery Method 14 1 Screening for Distance Learning Suitability 15 Determining Suitable Portions for Conversion 16 3 Selecting Appropriate Media for Conversion 16 1 Computer-Aided Instruction 17 2 Computer-Based Training 18 3 Web-Based Training 18 4 Determining Time Requirements for Development 20 5 Conversion Lifecycle 22 Conclusion 24 References List of Figures Figure 1. Drafting board 8 Figure 2. T-square 8 Figure 3. Track Drafting Machine 8 Figure 4. 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle 9 Figure 5. Protractor 9 Figure 6. Scale 9 Figure 7. Lead Holder 9 Figure 8. Drawing Leads 9 Figure 9. Lead Pointer 9 Figure 10a. Isometric Grid Paper 10 Figure 10b. Square Grid Paper 10 Figure 10c. Lettering Grid Paper 10 Figure 10d. Drawing Media Paper Size 10 Figure 10e. Paper Size Layout 10 Figure 11. Digitizer 11 Figure 12. Plotter 11 List of Tables Table 1. Course Distance Learning Screening Form 15 Table 2. Qualified Instructional Hours for Conversion 16 Table 3. Climb Web-Based Tools 20 Table 4. Student Courseware Interactivity and Associated Learning Objectives 21 Table 5. Media Compression rates and Developmental Hours 22 Table 6. Change Support Staffing 23 Table 7. Last Selection Criteria 26 Learning Drafting and Design Basics in an Online Environment: A Study Determining the Effectiveness Within the most recent nine months, the ITT Technical Institute Nashville Campus started offering their General Education courses online to approaching and students from other schools. At the point when the online program authoritatively started longer than a year prior, it was overseen through another school and understudy data was sent to the ITT Technical Institute where the understudy was enrolled to take their specialized center courses. Since that time, the online program has experienced a couple of modifications. The current instructional technique, Questa Training, was made by ITT Educational Services, Incorporated. Since the online courses started, numerous understudies have gotten disappointed with their learning experience. For a few, it is the protection from change and for other people, it is the failure to see how the online condition capacities. There are additionally a level of understudies who feel the online condition isn't appropriately organized to take into consideration the ideal learning experience. Due to these shifting issues, numerous understudies have started conversations in regards to pulling back from the course and some have gotten some information about the chance of taking the course in the conventional study hall setting. Despite the disappointment in the online configuration, chairmen are hoping to plan for a portion of the center courses to make a similar progress inside a couple of years. Monceaux, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs answered, â€Å"Although no plans are last right now, ITT Educational Services Incorporated is investigating the chance of moving a portion of our initial quarter courses into an online format† (Personal correspondence, Murphy Monceaux, May 25, 2004). One significant worry of employees in the School of Design has been that of the PC helped drafting and plan understudies having the option to learn board-drafting abilities, just as the AutoCAD 2004 programming they are instructed during their second and third quarters. The reason for this paper is to decide whether an online arrangement is the best methods wherein to pass on fundamental board drafting abilities, just as an essential comprehension of the AutoCAD 2004 programming orders. The conveyance techniques to be thought about are PC supported guidance, PC based preparing and Web-based preparing. The last end drawn will appear if any of the conveyance strategies will be compelling or if the customary homeroom setting would be the best methods by which to show the required abilities. Understanding Computer-Aided Drafting and Design So as to figure out which conveyance strategy would be the best to utilize, an away from of PC helped drafting and configuration is vital. PC helped drafting and configuration alludes to the capacity to electronically make fast and precise drawings with the utilization of a PC (CADD Primer, 2003). There are various programming bundles accessible that consider drawing creation; anyway the one to be talked about in this paper is AutoCAD 2004. Despite the fact that the utilization of the PC is important to pick up the required aptitudes, fundamental board drafting abilities are basic in the drafting and structure industry too. Board Drafting Skills Every drafter starts their preparation by building up a range of abilities that rotates around using the drafting board and different drafting apparatuses. This range of abilities joins conventional drafting apparatuses. Conventional instruments are gadgets used to help the human deliver making specialized drawings (Bertoline, 2003). Numerous instruments were initially utilized in antiquated Greece to consider and create geometry, yet have advanced into apparatuses used to create specialized drawings or representations. The entirety of the apparatuses appeared in this paper are a fundamental piece of the board drafting procedure and they each have a specific reason. The main customary instrument to be utilized is the drafting table or planning phase (figure 1). Utilized for holding a sheet of attracting media a fixed position and to give a straight edge to a T-square (figure 2) or Track Drafting Machine (figure 3). The T-Square is utilized to attract level lines and to hold triangles (figure 4) for drawing vertical lines. The Track Drafting [pic] Figure 1. Drafting Board [pic][pic] Figure 2. T-SquareFigure 3. Track Drafting Machine is utilized to draw exact even, vertical and precise lines. It is sufficiently exact to supplant the T-square, triangles, the protractor (figure 5) and scales (figure 6). Triangles permit lines to be drawn at 30, 45, and 60-degree points. When consolidating triangles, lines can be attracted 15-degree increases. [pic][pic] Figure 4. 30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle [pic][pic] Figure 5. ProtractorFigure 6. Scale The protractor is utilized to design and draw rakish lines or measure edges on the drawing, while the scale is utilized to format estimations at diminished or amplified sizes. When dealing with specialized drawings, particular composition or outlining utensils are utilized moreover. A lead holder (figure 7) holds uncommon size and grades of drafting drives (figure 8) that consider the making of various line types and styles. It likewise replaces wooden pencils and needs an uncommon sharpener to give a point to the lead, which is known as a lead pointer (figure 9). [pic] Figure 7. Lead Holder Figure 8. Drawing LeadsFigure 9. Lead Pointer The last specialized attracting device to make reference to is more media based, which is the drawing media or paper (figure 10a-e) itself. Attracting media alludes to the various sorts of sheets utilized during the time spent making specialized drawings. There are a few sorts of attracting media to be utilized and each type is reliant upon the specialized attracting to be finished. The main sort of drawing media is framework paper (figures 10ab), which is utilized to get ready starter and freehand representations of your drawing. The last kind is intended for creating lettering styles and configurations (figure 10c). Drawing media comes in specific sizes dependent on the kind of specialized drawing being made and the measure of detail to be set on that drawing. The paper sizes and shapes are appeared in figure 10d and figure 10e. [pic] Figure 10a. Isometric framework Figure 10b. Rectangular gridFigure 10c. Lettering matrix [pic][pic] Figure 10d. Drawing Media Paper SizesFigure 10e. Paper size format Computer Drafting Skills For today’s drafter, it is a need to have board drafting aptitudes, yet PC drafting abilities too. The specialized instruments have advanced from pencils, triangles, scales, and protractors to PC supported drafting (CAD) frameworks (Bertoline, 2003). The essential capacity of the CAD System is to permit the drafter, planner, designer or draftsman to take care of realistic issues and produce exact, decipherable specialized drawings. There are a few parts that make up the equipment segment of a CAD framework, for example, the PC, screen, console, mouse or pointing framework, digitizer (figure 11) and plotter (figure 12). The greater part of the equipment is utilized every now and again in today’s society, in spite of the fact that very few know about the digitizer and the plotter. The digitizer is utilized

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Self Discipline Diary

A great many people proceeded to have their showers in the first part of the day prior to the movement however couldn't rise sufficiently early thus rather I promotion my shower during one of the exercises which I got in a tough situation for thus to enhance this the following morning figured out how to get myself up prior and have my shower before any exercises began so it didn't meddle. After we had the prologue to this unit about order, I understood that occasionally I don't show generally excellent discretion when in unpleasant situations.I recalled about this when was busy working on Saturday when a client blew up with me since she needed to restore an item. I recalled the thing my coach had said about restraint being a piece of good control, thus bet the circumstance in an unexpected way. I felt great a while later. Am ordinarily not acceptable at showing up at places on schedule, and this week I have been rising later and this has made me be late for school. Am irritated with myself for permitting this to occur, thus I intend to head to sleep somewhat prior one week from now, so that can show great time keeping and promptness. 3/09/2014 This week our course went on training camp in the new woodland during this We needed to have great self-control, for instance when we arrived we needed to set up camp and two by two set up our tents autonomously in the wake of being indicated how o do as such by Phil. We likewise got put into gatherings and given a timetable of various exercises that we needed to participate in thus we must be composed at time keeping and figure out how to get to every movement at the right time. Lastly we needed to get up and out of our tents by 6:30 which was difficult to accomplish for a few (Particularly Kerosene).During this week I overlooked my ID identification on two or three events and have been told by the receptionists that I have to acquire it regular. I likewise got berated for swearing subsequent to getting baffled with my t ent, a territory which will attempt my hardest to enhance. At training camp was the first occasion when I participated in drill, it was very precarious and from the start I was unable to get its hang and appeared as though I was going the goose step more often than not. Anyway subsequent to taking a shot at it and rehearsing as a gathering figured out how to become familiar with the nuts and bolts and improve my walking and posture.It was especially difficult to get up right on time at training camp thus I was late to the main meeting. Additionally, transports during the week are 90% of the time late, which is genuinely irritating as it impacts on my participation. 30/09/2014 This week I have figured out how to stay centered in my exercises and have not permitted myself to get occupied by others. During the week a colleague attempted to stand out enough to be noticed by hurling moved bits of paper at me. Be that as it may, I figured out how to overlook it. I am cheerful that I have stayed engaged as kept in touch with some great notes which I Can allude back to when I'm chipping away at my task sometime in the future. M content with the course and am thinking that its extremely fascinating, which causes me disregard other people who aren't demonstrating a similar enthusiasm for the meetings. I incidentally don't tune in to what my guide has said due to having headphones in at that point, a region at which I will enhance. A year ago at 6th structure was handily diverted by others thus wouldn't record highlights on the work we were doing this implied didn't have anything to help me on course work and modification material for tests thus I fell behind. Again the transports have been recently, an extremely disappointing issue.I will endeavor to get up prior so as to get a previous transport into school, so am not, at this point late to the principal meeting. 07/10/2014 This was our second exercise of drill and feel that I am getting more use to it and am learning more orders, the right stance that I can apply during the meeting. I could improve my thoughtfulness regarding Dale anyway I am getting diverted by others around me, as opposed to tuning in to the following guidance. I could likewise improve my planning and become more in time with the remainder of the gathering. Have made considerable progress from the principal meeting, and I currently know a ton of moves and my planning is gradually improving.Our drill educator is a significant calm character thus it is very difficult to hear him on occasion during drill. 14/1 0/2014 Today we had a drill meeting and afterward had our first task with Phil, I gave my full consideration to what was being said as it set the bar for future assignments and it was significant that recognize what I was/will do. I could improve this week by dealing with my time and leisure activities better nearby my school work. Maybe cut certain parts of my public activity off so as to ensure I am applying the necessary measure of work.I made a movement this week by ensuring I gave my full consideration to Phil for our first task. Hadn't exactly got use to Office 365 and accordingly hadn't spared any of my work on the web; this implied couldn't accomplish any free work at home. 21/10/2014 Enjoyed Marks meeting this week and thought that it was fascinating. A few cohorts were tricking round close the rear of my group and I figured out how to overlook it and continue with the set work, which I am satisfied with myself for. Could improve by being on time as I was late to two or three meetings in the first part of the day because of the transport being late by and by. Eve advanced for the current week by getting progressively free in my assignments and getting office 365 to work for me, and hence I had the option to accomplish some work at home for several hours, which I'm cheerful about. One set back would be that during drill we were learning another order (I think it was salutes) which just couldn' t get he hang of, which was especially disappointing for me. 28/1 0/2014 This week I making the most of Phial's meeting as we were making paper planes and we had a spending plan on what number of and which type we could make. My group lost miserably.However I turned into the pioneer of the group and notwithstanding my splendid plane structure (which was the most statically satisfying) different groups with their dumb dart planes figured out how to (as I would see it) cheat their approach to triumph. Work experience is rapidly drawing closer and I presently can't seem to do any arrangements for it. I should start to begin considering what I'll do and sort out myself some more. This week have advanced by being more composed with gear and my timings for meetings have been greatly improved. Office 365 was playing up again and I couldn't accomplish any work at home for two or three days in the current week. 4/1/2014 This week we took in some new orders in drill which I figured out how to get the hang of. I paid a lot of regard for what was being said and didn't get diverted close to as much as typically would. One more week has passed by and I have still not accomplished anything about work understanding. In spite of the fact that I currently have a couple of thoughts on where to go. I have started to come acquainted with the ark load and what is anticipated from us in school as it is totally different to 6th structure. I am finding the remaining task at hand the perfect sum for me to take on and am not falling behind on work at all contrasted with last year.I battled to discover what room I was in (because of development work) and in this manner I was around 5 minutes late to one of my meetings with Phil. 1/11/2014 This week we traveled to RAFF Bribe Norton which was fascinating and gave my full consideration to what was being said by the different military people who addressed us. I didn't let anybody divert me and I altogether delighted in the day. This week was late to a meeting because of awful time keeping and obliviousness. I felt terrible and I will not do it once more. I took in a great deal at RAFF Bribe Norton and now have a couple of more regions I might want to kick into inside the military as a potential profession way. Didn't exactly see some portion of a task this week and didn't utter a word at that point so I currently need to hold up until one week from now so as to get some information about my inquiries 1 8/1/2014 This week we had Miles the PASO come in and converse with us about the hierarchy of leadership and stop and search rules/procedures. I gave my full consideration and ensured that I posed a lot of inquiries. I additionally chipped in for a showing I needed to carry on before the whole class. During the discussion by miles I didn't take any notes, which Phil had a word to me about as it implied I at that point didn't have any notes to think back on for help during task work.I have advanced for the current week by turning into an increasingly candid individual and posing numerous inquiries, which has profited the class and l. Was sick on Friday this week thus I missed a whole day of work, on which I will currently need to make up for lost time with. 25/11/2014 This week I chose to hunker down at home and get some task work off the beaten path. I was satisfied with my free work and it caused me to feel before my outstanding task at hand, as opposed to behind it. I chose not to go to advancement this Wednesday and chose to accomplish some task work which against school leads and is entirely reckless of me.It shouldn't occur once more. Have gained some extraordinary ground on assignments and am presently before my remaining task at hand which feels incredible and takes into consideration some an opportunity to do some social things this week which I am anticipating. I was late into school one day in the current week because of transport issues as was somewhat late to one of my first meetings. 02 /12/2014 Our second to last bore meeting was today and we have all started to pay attention to the meeting significantly more. I am done letting individuals divert me so much and am attempting my hardest (notwithstanding the transports) to go up to bore on schedule.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tips on Essay Topics For a Study of Shakespeare

Tips on Essay Topics For a Study of ShakespeareThere are many options when writing a Shakespeare essay and by being familiar with the different options you can choose which subject matter will be most enjoyable to write. The types of subjects you can cover will depend on the Shakespeare references that you make.When writing an essay about Shakespeare's life, you can cover virtually any aspect of his life, even the part you're unfamiliar with. Many people love to write essays that are short on facts but detailed in their knowledge about Shakespeare and his characters. For this reason, it's important to first learn about the specific periods that Shakespeare wrote in, such as his youth or his later years, and then figure out which topics you're going to want to touch on.Although some subjects are more popular than others, there are many topics that don't receive as much attention. However, there are still many interesting topics that have been discussed and debated for years, and those would be popular topics for an essay about Shakespeare.One of the most interesting topics about Shakespeare is the themes he frequently brought up throughout his plays, and topics that were a part of almost every play he wrote. These themes include love, ambition, war, love, family, religion, treachery, and more.Authors such as Shakespeare are usually written about by scholars because of the importance they place on what they write, and how their works affect people today. Because they often create stories about the trials and tribulations of humanity, they are highly valued by people, and authors are often sought after to write a biography of Shakespeare.While many people do choose to write short stories to bring some of their personal experiences into a work of literature, there are also more formal ways to address issues from one's life. When writing an essay about Shakespeare, it is important to consider how he would have written about topics that are relevant to the life that you are discussing.If you are not completely familiar with the issues that you would like to write about, you can take some time to explore the subjects that interest you the most and consider them in the context of the story, poem, or play that you want to write about. It may help to look at a few essays written about the same topic and write about the aspects that you like best.When choosing essay topics, it is best to pick topics that will give you a lot of fun. Learning about topics that Shakespeare did will give you a deeper insight into his work, and you will also be able to learn more about the life of the author.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Prayer Warriors in the Bible - 733 Words

PRAYER WARRIORS IN THE BIBLE BY Pr. David Munyere Who were the prayer warriors in the Bible? Prayer warriors are people who are known for regularly interceding on behalf of others before God. To intercede means to come between, so prayer warriors are, in effect, coming between God and the trouble in another persons life. Prayer warriors are like advocates appealing to the Higher Court on behalf of their defendants. Were all guilty before God, but God is merciful. Prayer warriors recognize that quality of Gods personality and call on Him for intervention. In the Bible we have several prayer warriors. Jehoshaphat was King of Judah when he received word that his land was being invaded. In 2 Chronicles 20:1-24. The king prayed†¦show more content†¦They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them. Paul is a good example of a prayer warrior in the New Testament. He repeatedly prayed for others, especially the individual churches with whom he was working. In Ephesians 3:14-21, while Paul was in prison, he prays for the believers in the church at Ephesus: For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his wholeShow MoreRelatedWhat is Pietism? Essay779 Words   |  4 Pagesand rulers must spread the gospel in their own area. In 1675 Phillipp Spener provided a final solution to Pietism by writing six strong biblical proposals to correct the church’s weakness. (page 161) Firstly, Pastors should preach from the w hole Bible and the Scripture should speak to people individually. Secondly, the lay people should all be involved in the church and be taught the difference between them and the ordained peoples function in the church. Another aspect is the growth of peoplesRead MoreThe Dream Of The Rood By William Shakespeare927 Words   |  4 Pagesof many, when he would free mankind. 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There are also several that are strong prayer warriors or know at least someone that is. However, many claim to have faith, yet they never stepped into a church. There are also numerous individuals that do not necessarily pray, yet others feel prayer is a false hope. Throughout the circumstances, people generate positive thoughts and energy through the hardship of life. Nevertheless, they are

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Get Your Hand in Revising Descriptive Essays for Sale

When you buy a paper and get it back, there are no guarantees that it will be exactly what want or need it to be. Writers can’t read your mind. However, they should be professionals in their services. This is the part you may need to check yourself. Descriptive essays for sale are among one of the most popular choices for using writing companies, but whether it’s custom or a sample, the essay will probably need to be double-checked before you hand it in, especially if you have bought it for cheap. Here we will reveal the things that you should look for right when you receive your paper. If after checking these things, the paper is not to your satisfaction, you should send the paper back and ask for revisions. After all, you have paid for it, and the result should be the best possible. Plagiarism One of the biggest things that research papers get away with when you purchase them online is plagiarism. The issue here is that it can have an extremely negative affect if not caught by you before turning it in to your professor. Detected plagiarism can not only make it so you fail the class, but it can get you kicked out of school. Topics, ideas, and samples are all okay if taken from somewhere else, but they have to be developed and said in a new way. The best way to check for academic plagiarism is to download a plagiarism checker, or find one online, and run the paper through it. References Along with plagiarism, you’ll want to check the references listed in your dissertation. For example, the reference page could be formatted incorrectly, or within the paper, there are no quotation marks, parentheses, etc. References need to be correct to help avoid plagiarism. Also, the format needs to be the way your professor wants it to be. Check to see if it is in APA, MLA, Harvard, or whatever is needed. Structure When you write an essay in English, it’s important to have a good structure. Examples of the good structure are having the necessary essay parts (intro, body, conclusion). Each paragraph should be indented. Check the essay you have for these things to make sure they are in order. Mistakes Simple mistakes are bound to happen, even if you get the best of the best essay. You have to proofread the paper to make sure there are no mistakes. These could be grammar, speech, or spelling errors whatever. Just because you pay for a service, it doesn’t mean that all the work is done. You still need to do the things listed above to ensure that you have a ready term paper that will get a high mark. It may sound like a lot of extra work, and it is, but it will be worth it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Accounting Management Cost Classification and Ethics

TASK 1: Cost Classification and Ethics The Sorrel Pharmaceuticals Corporation manufactures a variety of drugs that are marketed internationally. Inventories on May 31 and June 30 were as follows: May 31 June 30 Materials Inventory $354,100 $327,400 Work in Process Inventory 112,600 116,400 Finished Goods Inventory 138,500 142,800 Purchases of materials for June were $142,600. Direct labor costs were incurred and computed on the basis of 27,000 hours at $8 per hour. Actual overhead costs incurred in June were as follows: operating supplies used, $5,700; janitorial and materials handling labor, $38,100; employee benefits $110,800; heat, light, and power, $50,000; factory depreciation, $8,400; property taxes, $8,000; and expired†¦show more content†¦ANSWER: We have: †¢ Expected variable unit cost: $24 ïÆ'Ëœ Direct materials $10.90 ïÆ'Ëœ Direct labor $7.18 ïÆ'Ëœ Overhead $1.92 ïÆ'Ëœ Selling cost $ 4.00 †¢ Annual fixed costs: $68,700 ïÆ'Ëœ Taxes on property used $8,870 ïÆ'Ëœ Depreciation on building and equipment $18,920 ïÆ'Ëœ Advertising $38,840 ïÆ'Ëœ Other $2,070 a. Compute the number of units that must be sold to earn a profit of $80,000. Call A is the number of units that must be sold to earn a profit of $80,000 We have: ïÆ'Ëœ Sale = 49A ïÆ'Ëœ Variable cost = 24A ïÆ'Ëœ CM = 49A – 24A = 25A ïÆ'Ëœ Annual fixed cost: $68,700 ïÆ'Ëœ Operating income = CM - Annual fixed cost = 25A - $68,700 Profit by $80,000 that means: 25A - $68,700 = $80,000 = A = 5,948 units So the number of units that must be sold to earn a profit of $80,000 is 5,948 units b.Show MoreRelatedAnnual Report Of Woolworths Limited 2016 Essay1509 Words   |  7 Pagesa) In accordance to the annual report of Woolworths Limited 2016, the current accounting practice that is applied to the business regarding its inventory disclosure includes; a perpetual inventory system which continually updates the information by increasing or decreasing inventory from reports throughout the year to verify accounting records (Bragg 2016).  A perpetual inventory system in comparison to a periodic inventory system is more efficient and effective for larger corporations. With entitiesRead MoreGuillermo Furniture Store Scenario851 Words   |  4 Pagesoverseas entered Sonora’s furniture market and one of the largest retailer in the nation opened headquarter in Sonora, Guillermos Furniture store experienced serious business problems. As a result, Guillermo’s profit margins shrink, as prices fell and costs rose. (UOP, 2009) After conducting some research Guillermo came to the conclusion that he has at least three alternative courses of action to proceed: †¢ Apply high-tech methods to the production cycle †¢ Become a representative for another manufacturer Read MoreThe Purpose Of Managerial Accounting2785 Words   |  12 PagesManagerial accounting is helpful to the managers in of identifying, measuring, analyzing, interpreting and communicating information for the pursuit of organization’s goals. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Internal And External Analysis Is Conductedâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Internal And External Analysis Is Conducted? Answer: Introduction An organization needs to have a thorough knowledge about the company itself along with the overall market analysis. The presented reports conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Casio Company. The purpose of the report is to give an overall evaluation of the company. Both internal and external analysis is conducted. The report would be helpful to get a clear idea and knowledge about the Casio Company. A company background has been provided. This is followed by micro and macro (PESTLE) analysis of the company. SWOT analysis is providing to portray and asses the internal condition of the company. Discussion is made about its marketing strategy, followed by a suitable marketing business mix of the company. Company overview Casio, in recent years has gained worldwide popularity. It has established itself as one of the large multinational companies. The Japanese giant is headquartered in the region of Shubuya, Tokyo. The company began its journey as a developer of calculator; gradually the company launched other electronic products, musical instruments, mobiles, cameras, office computers, electronic stationeries, watches and such. The company has attracted major portion of the consumer market with its watches. The digital watches which it offers to the audience have created much interest among the audience, enabling Casio to become a brand name in the process. In Asian markets, Casio is recognized as a popular brand. The company produces electronic products which guarantee superior quality; due to this the company has earned consumer trust and loyalty. The company is the first to make a fully compact electrical calculator. It is also responsible for launching the first inkjet printer, along with the concept of personal computer. The company enjoys the position of developing the first watch which posses the shock resistant characteristic. The company values customer trust and loyalty, makes sure the products give the value for money. Micro analysis Micro factors refer to the environmental factors which directly affect and impact the organization. It indicates the factors which are intimately connected with the company. The company does not have full control over these factors although it does influence to certain extent. The point can be explained with the help of examples. Customers, competitors, company, publics, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, are some of the micro environmental factors (Nakagawa TAKAO, 2016). Customers- A customer (also known as a consumer, buyer, and client) is someone who buys or purchases a particular product/service/idea from a company, supplier, vendor, and seller. Casio possess large customer base. The quality and features of Casio products have enabled the company to attract consumer interest and generate positive consumer attitude. It is true that the company targets the middle income population, with special reference to youth. However, the steady and demand for the companys products have increased the customer base (Viramdani Himmawati, 2017). Considering the present picture, the huge popularity of Casio watches among customers have encouraged the company to concentrate much on the section of watches. The company, observing the demand, gives importance to provide quality watches which excels in terms of advanced functioning, design and usage. Casio experience the maximum amount of sales and profit from its segment of watches. This is followed by the other segme nts. The other products such as calculator, projectors, and company computers systems are also popular. Electronic products are built depending on consumer requirement and demand however Casio watches have acquired popularity in the global market. Social, personal, cultural and psychological are some of the factors which impact and influence customers. For example, the company has been able to establish a personal bond with the consumers. Consumers and clients of under-developing developing countries trust the company products. The company understands individual preferences and demands and strives to manufacture its products accordingly (Nemchinova, Timofeev Salov, 2017). It has become a symbol of social status to wear high functioning watches in many countries; Casio has been able to upgrade its products as per the social trend. The company is Competitors- Several companies have proven to be tough competitors for Casio Company. The company faces business challenge from fellow companies that provide and manufacture similar electronic products/items. Swatch, Seiko, Citizen, Sony, and Panasonic are some of the examples. Casio faces intense competition from the different companies who also strives to attract consumer attention by providing quality electric products (Anzolini et al. 2016). Panasonic and Sony have been able to get popularity with the mobile phones. Both of these companies provide mobiles that promise functions and design, excellent features within a reasonable range. Therefore, it can be understood that Casio needs to produce better innovative products in order to retain customer attention and interest. The company has been successful in keeping its loyal customers. Other companies have prompted Casio to bring innovative and creative products for customers. The chief significance of the competitors, they provide a competition platform for the company. The company of Swatch, a Swiss company of watches, like Casio, targets the mid-income population. Hence it can be said if the company does not perform well then it possess the chance of losing its market value to the other company. Company- This refers to the different organizational factors, Casio, for instance posses the necessary resources to conduct its business in an effective manner. Casio has the human resource, responsible for executing the different functions and operations of the operations. Sufficient amount of power is given to the union, this is necessary to have a properly organized labor group. The company takes the effort to strengthen its RD unit (Coletti et al. 2016). The company needs to try to increase its market share price. The department of the system equipments needs considerable attention. Macro analysis Political The company takes into account the political factor of the Japanese government. In Japan, the two sectors, government and business have developed a healthy alliance. The government keeps track of the economic aspect of the business while the companies take guidance from the government in times of requirement. Casio takes into account this factor. The company has good relation with the government (Keleshteri Ashkiki, 2016). The business growth and development and the companys effort to improve the countrys economic condition have succeeded in gaining the goodwill of the government. The Japanese government willingly cooperates with the company in times of need. The government laws and regulations regarding trading and business have opened the global market for the company. Economic The condition of Japan economy has improved to a considerable extent. The overall economy standard of the country has improved due to the development and advanced of the industrial sector which the company showed, leading to positive growth rate. Cash flow, inflow and outflow of the country are stabilized. The labor cost is comparatively low and reasonable, compared with the company benefit (Sara Piyumi, 2016). This has enabled the company to hire more employees leading to the increase of company productivity. The employment rate of the country is considerably low. This condition of the country has enabled the company to experience steady sales and profit of the company. Socio-cultural The company has experienced positive impact from the socio-cultural factor which includes demography, cultural norms, education, income and such. The company has acquired much popularity in its local country. One of the chief reasons behind the success, the company takes to into account the different demographic factors. For instance, assessing the taste and preference of the young generation and the mid-income population, the company launches its products accordingly (TAKEOKA et al. 2014). High technology electronic products/items have become very much popular. Technology has become an integral part of life in Japan; this has led the company to manufacture advanced electronic gadgets and products. Technological The technological standard if the company has increased to a considerable extent in the country with the passage of time. The country is advanced in terms of possessing high functioning, modern technology. This has enabled the company to get the required technological resource with the help of which the company manufactures and produces some of the best electronic products (Nemchinova, Timofeev Salov, 2017). Special mention should be provided to the section of digital watches. The company possesses a strong RD unit. The communication system is well-organized with proper technological aids. Legal The company conforms to the government laws and regulations, the central as well as the regional action. It takes the necessary effort to ensure proper law enforcement. For example, the company encourages diversity, ethnicity and equality. The company considers and acknowledges the court rules and norms. Eco-environmental Casio attempts to reduce environmental harm as much as feasible. The company has put much effort to improve and develop its resource management. This is necessary so that wastage of resources can be avoided. Care is taken to maintain energy consumption level (McNamer Markas, 2015). The electronic products manufactured by the company promises low energy usage. Steps have been taken to consider and maintain the health and safety of the workforce. SWOT analysis Strengths The company has gained popularity for its advanced high functioning products The company possess an impressive brand image (Nemchinova, Timofeev Salov, 2017) Good value in terms of money Sub-brands like Pathfinder, baby, G-shock are aimed for different customers groups The company produces innovative products such as LCD watch along with auto-calendar Casio has good advertising section Weaknesses Compared to Swatch, Casios scale of operation is smaller Some of the series possess advanced functioning designs, too heavy and not much user-friendly, such as DataBank, ProTrek Opportunities The company can involve itself in sponsoring events and fashion houses Can make innovative styles and designs to attract youth consumers The company can enter different international markets Good advertising and publicity can boost Casio brand image and market share Threats The company is experiencing threat due to fake Casio products Several small companies are producing counterfeit Casio digital watches Sport look watches have become very much common as many companies are manufacturing this type of watches, this might reduce market demand of the watches, a possible threat Changes in government policies and fluctuation in market prices can reduce company market share Marketing strategy Marketing strategy refers to the plans and strategies which are formed to in order to sell and promote a service or product. It is important for every organization to have proper marketing strategy to experience maximum profit and growth. Concerning the factor, the company needs to understand and assess the four major factors, segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning. Horizontal integration strategy has been adopted for registering a growth for the sales figure and business development of Casio in the chosen market condition. The primary benefit of the marketing strategy is to lead the organization towards a big and integrated market. The strategic implementation of the marketing policy is to develop an effective business environment for Casio which helps to build a strong business reputation in the market. An intra and inter business communication could be developed through the implementation of horizontal integration strategy. Segmentation- The Company needs to conduct segmentation based on demographic, psychographic, geographical and behavioral factors. Japans lifestyle is comparatively modern, in terms of economy and education. People irrespective of gender prefer to possess advanced technology. The country has a standard economy; this has influenced and changed the psychological aspect of the population. Major section of the population wants to have a better lifestyle. The urban population, for instance, demands comfort. Demand for technology and fashion has risen to a considerable extent. This demand has significantly increased in the mid-income population. With the improvement in the economic condition, this population wants to possess the aid of technology which would also represent fashion, considering the factor of affordability (Kanagal, 2014). The population, particular the young generations behavior have changed. People have become more fashion conscious. Education has enabled the society to und erstand the importance of technology. Geographical aspect is important. For example, the urban population is more aware and familiar of the company and the products which it offers, compared with the rural population. The population density impacts the companys business. Targeting- Targeting refers to the section of consumers for whom the company aims to provide its service. The main objectives of targeting in STP model are to define the ability of the concerned company and look over the resources which are needed by a company to enter into the global business mart. By this approach, the company and its management can also evaluate themselves and their marketing capabilities with respect to their potential business competitors. Now, in order to look over the targeting approach of Casio, it can be interpreted that the Casios target group is the youth section of the upper middle class who are fashion conscious and engrossed in technology. The company always tries to look over the metropolitan cities throughout the world. On the other hand, it can said that, the company uses differentiated targeting strategic approaches so that the management can utilize those strategies for retaining and for acquiring the high-valued customers of the different segments towards the wide range of products and services being offered by them. Differentiation- differentiation refers to the added features of a product or service which can offer the customer benefits to the company compared to the other similar company in competitive business arena. Added features may make the products and services more acceptable and lucrative among the customer throughout the market. Casio is a leading brand name in electronics market. Being a popular company, the organizational management always tries to look over the production process and market demand so that they can manufacture technologically advanced products which can meet the customer desire and market demand easily. Use of updated and most scientific technology in products may provide differentiation benefits to the company in competitive business world. Positioning- a proper and effective positioning can guide a company towards successful business goals as it can shed light over the brands essence. Moreover, positioning also emphasizes over the facts by which an organization can achieve the customers appreciation successfully by providing services and products in accordance to their expectation. Casio always tries to provide maximum importance on the market demand and the expectation of the targeted customer. In order to fulfill the objectives, the organization always use most scientific methods for manufacturing process by which they can offer technologically advanced products to the customer. By proper positioning, the company may also achieve the competitive edge of business arena and huge economical benefits from global capital market. For proper positioning, the Casio tries to look over their potential customers throughout the world so that the company can offer best products and services to them in accordance to their desire a nd demands. By this process the company not only retain the customer loyalty but it also can capture the competitive perimeter of the business world which ultimately offers them brand reputation and global recognition. Marketing mix Marketing mix is a term which is used to refer a group of key factors that influence and impact a company/organizations comprehensive success and failure. The marketing mix is an effective tool which helps the organization for the understanding of the suitability of the product in the chosen market. 4p is a significant tool which could be applied for the determination of the marketing mix for Casio which would be helpful for understanding the market as well as the suitability in the chosen market. Marketing mix can be two types. The 4ps is made up of four crucial factors, place, product, price and promotion. The seven 7ps adds three other factors, people, physical environment and process. Product: This factor refers to the product/item which the company intends to market and sell. The company needs to make sure that the product possesses the capacity and features to generate customer attention and interest. The companys range of G-series, watch aims to attract the urban population; especially the mid-income population has attracted consumers due to the fact that the watches excel in facility, design and durability, provided the new items of G-series promises to be reasonable and affordable (Lajeunesse, 2013). Place: Distribution or placement is an important factor. This highlights the necessity of possessing a place where consumers can have easy access to the products. Casio has several branches in different regions of Japan, along with Tokyo; ensuring consumers can easily buy company products. Price: products which are being manufactured by the Casio are technologically highly developed and scientifically very advanced. Moreover, the price of the products being offered by the Casio is much more reasonable and affordable compared to the other similar company or brand. Apart from this, Casio always tries to maintain value-added policy of pricing for products and services. The company tries to maintain medium-priced pricing strategy so that the customer can afford their products and services easily which in turn helps them in customer retention. As the company tries to target the middle- income groups of a community and especially the students, so the organizational management has the tendency to maintain such pricing strategy which must be less in comparison with other similar brands or products. the company also offers various lucrative discount offers and the periodic schemes on their products and services for increasing their annual earnings as well as for acquiring and/o r retaining customer over long period of time. Promotion: Casio always tries to focus on international marketing. In order to fulfill those objectives, organizational management tries to adopt different steps and among those, promotional strategy is considered as one of the most important strategies. The company invests millions for commercialization or promotional purposes to create and to maintain brand awareness globally. The organizational management emphasizes over creating new and innovative design to attract the huge populace especially the youth generation of the society. The company utilizes print media like billboards, newspaper and magazine and television for broadcasting the characteristics features of the brands to the customer. The company also looks over the online media or tries to provide importance on the social networking site for promotional purpose. So, by considering the success story of Casio, it can be interpreted that proper marketing mix strategy is always act as a propeller for any business organization that can drives the company towards ultimate business success worldwide. Channel of Distribution: the channel for distribution could be defined as the chosen suitable path which has been adopted by the organization for the best possible way of distributing the product to the consumer. There could be various nodes and interconnections for the understanding of the distribution process whereas direct distribution also could be done between the manufacturers and consumers. 4P would be determining the four channels of distribution for Tesco which has been mentioned in the above discussion. Among the 4Ps, the product would be suitable distribution channel for Casio. Wholesalers, retailers, agents are the part of the distribution channel based on the product. Therefore, this distribution channel would be helpful for establishing a significant market presence in the highly competitive market. Figure 1: product distribution Casio has been using both direct and indirect distribution process for the strategic market and distribution of the product. The primary advantage of direct distribution is the involvement of the sales team directly to the market and this sells team can access the direct market effectively. Casio have established significant direct distribution process throughout the market. Secondly, the market of the distributors could also be accessed through the indirect distribution of the products. The distributors are the basic customers and Casio can arrange suitable training programs for understanding the core value of the organization. Casio can adopt intensive distribution strategy for maximizing the selling of the product through as many as outlets placed in various geographic points. Therefore, consumers can access the product from almost every part of the operating market which increases the market exposure and revenue as well. Figure 2: Distribution strategy Recommendation The company holds a recognized and position in its domestic market, Japan. People have the trust and reliability on the company, yet certain recommendations can be used by the company to yield better results. The company needs to focus on the other divisions so that it can be successful in gaining consumer loyalty Effort can be made to manufacture innovative consumer products apart from the watch segment to enhance sales It can focus one broadening its target group The company has the potential to attract more foreign markets with its high-end watches and other electronic items (Hintze, 2015). Advanced, high functioning items are always in demand, however effort can be made to make the features simple and user-friendly Negotiations with other companies can be made to manufacture creative and innovative products Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that Casio Company holds a good market position and has popularity, in domestic and global market. The company is acknowledged as one of the popular brand which has gained significant popularity due to its line of watches. It has been observed that the company possesses certain shortcomings and threats from its competitors like Swatch. However, the company has been successful in keeping its market position by applying suitable market strategy. For instance, the company targets the mid-income population, especially the urban young generation who are fashion conscious and tech savvy. Easy accessibility is also an essential factor. However, the company can further improve its market scope if it gives concentration to popularize the other electronic products, apart from the watch segment. Reference List Anzolini, C., Angel, R. J., Merlini, M., Derzsi, M., Tokr, K., Milani, S., ... Harris, J. W. (2016). Depth of formation of CaSiO 3-walstromite included in super-deep diamonds.Lithos,265, 138-147. Coletti, C., Maritan, L., Cultrone, G., Mazzoli, C. (2016). Use of industrial ceramic sludge in brick production: Effect on aesthetic quality and physical properties.Construction and Building Materials,124, 219-227. Hintze, S. (2015). Dealing with Value Chains. InValue Chain Marketing (pp. 13-32). 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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Business Ethics and Deontology free essay sample

The army considers itself to be descended from the Continental Army and thus dates its inception from the origins of that force [2] (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Describe an ethical problem you have confronted in a business situation Many may say it not a business but many others will say that it is in its own way, others will say it’s a brother and sister hood. According to reference. om the term business has at least three usages, depending on the scope — the singular usage to mean a particular company or corporation, the generalized usage to refer to a particular market sector, such as the music business and compound forms such as agribusiness, or the broadest meaning to include all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services. However, the exact definition of business, like much else in the philosophy of business, is a matter of debate. Now the US Army provide a service to the people of the United State that service is to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Ethics and Deontology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The ethical problem that I was confronted with or experienced in this business situation a few years ago was with a promotion that I was in line for, but did not get based on the very subjective opinion of my supervisor at the time. I was a young soldier with just 9 months in the service of this great country and my first sergeant who held a position comparable to that of a manager in the civilian sector was considering promoting me to the next rank, which would mean more responsibility, and place me on the fast track of my military career. My supervisor, who knew I was qualified for the promotion, would not approve of me advancing to the position of first sergeant. When asked why I was ineligible for the promotion no legitimate explanation was offered t that time, with no timeline offered to revisit or discuss what his concerns were my promotion would be delayed and ultimately derailing my movement along the fast track . During the period leading up to my promotion I participated in a very competitive and dueling appearance in front of the soldier of the month board, where I successfully scored 495 out of a possible 500 points. I also lead my section in accomplishing the title of Top Gun honors where I instruct ed six soldiers on how to successfully occupy an area and be ready for combat in the least amount of time without bringing harm to fellow soldiers. My First Sergeant and Commander recognized me for being the best amongst my peers. After reflecting on my actions and with hesitation I decided to seek out my Staff Sergeant for a private session where he could hopefully offer some insight as to why my promotion was denied. My Staff Sergeant claimed he was a Christian and often cited scriptures that he used as a moral compass to guide his decisions, he always presented himself as a fair man with an open door policy so I set up a meeting and hoped it would shed some light on my denial. He went on to explain, that while I exhibited exemplary leadership skills, and was recognized by my First Sergeant and Commander he did not feel that I warranted the promotion because it took him 14 months to get to the rank of Specialist while It would only take me 9 months, and â€Å"no one working under me no matter how competent would make that rank in less than the time it took him to make it. Describe the deontological implications of the ethical problem you have described The deontological implications of the ethical problem according to online Philosophy— Ethics this category addresses the question of what makes one action right and another one wrong irrespective of the consequences of the action. It emphasizes what is the right thing to do rather than what is the good thing to do. The term deontological derives from the Ancient Greek word for ‘duty’ which neatly encapsulates this approach. Thus, theories of this type seek to justify our duty to behave in some ways, not behave in other ways. This is in direct contrast with teleological theories. In the latter whether we are violent or not would be judged right or wrong depending on the consequences. But in deontological theories the violence would be considered in isolation: is violent behavior right or wrong in itself. The problem with having rules for anything is that they are supposed to work in all situations at all times (otherwise there is not much point in having rules). Even a fairly narrow acquaintance with life shows us that there always seems to be exceptions to rules – particularly when it comes to complex things like human behavior. So, can we do without rules (which deal in generalizing about behavior) and just decide what to do in the one situation we find ourselves in at the time? Some have thought that this can be the case. This looks attractive in that it gets us out of the problem of having rules which can’t always be made to apply. The trouble is, even a cursory examination makes the proposition look inadequate. In this case my Staff Sergeant would have to be placed in the category of using Egoism to break the rules to accommodate his personal agenda. My promotion was denied solely on the basis of resentment. There was no adherence to any religious scripture that could have justified his actions. Describe how Kants Categorical Imperative applies to your chosen business problem. Kants Categorical Imperative (Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time that it should become a universal law) provides the source of right action. Its first formulation states Act as if the maxim of your actions were to secure through your will a universal law of nature; its second formulation states Always act so as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or that of another, as an end in itself, never as a means only. Actions that conform to these imperatives (i. e. , right actions) and are, furthermore, done from a sense of duty, are the epitome of morally praiseworthy actions. Critics of Kants approach claim that his Categorical Imperative does not contain within it a way to resolve conflicts of duties. Lying is wrong can be interpreted as Never lie and thus Universal Principles can harden into Absolute Principles. In this case Kant’s Categorical Imperative applies in that his actions did not represent a sense of duty, or that of a religious person who claimed that God guided his actions and provided him with an even higher sense of purpose to do what is right. How could a man who claimed he had to answer to a higher power, engage in such an act and do so with such blatant disregard. In closing an explanation has been offered to show how the United States Army can also be compared to that of a business. I also show that the actions of my supervisor can be used to demonstrate a violation of deontological theory in that my Staff Sergeant’s reason for not allowing my promotion can only be attributed to resentment. When looking at Kants Categorical Imperative â€Å"Act as if the maxim of your action were to secure through your will a universal law of nature; He demonstrated this by allowing his past experiences to skew his judgment to prevent the promotions of soldiers and instill a sense of distrust in higher ranking officials. REF http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/United_States_Army Philosophy— Ethics http://www. phil. cmu. edu/cavalier/80130/part2/sect8. html Online Guide to Ethic and Moral Philosophy http://www. sevenoaksphilosophy. org/ethics/deontology. html http://www. reference. com/

Monday, March 9, 2020

Hypothermia essays

Hypothermia essays Hypothermia, defined as a core body temperature less than 95 F(35C) occurs when heat loss exceeds the bodys heat production. (Ruffolo p.47) Thermal stability in humans depends on the bodys ability to adapt to changes in internal and external temperatures. Heat is transferred throughout tissues and fat, and is released at a rate directly related to the temperature of the environment through radiation, conduction, Hypothermia is typically seen as a bad thing; however, various studies have been proving it to be very useful. Traumatic brain injury initiates several metabolic processes that can exacerbate the injury. There is evidence that hypothermia may limit some of these deleterious metabolic responses. In a randomized controlled trial researchers compared the effect of moderate hypothermia and normhypothermia in 82 patients with severe closed head injuries (score of 3 to 7 on the Glasgow Coma Scale) The patients assigned to hypothermia were cooled to 33 degrees C an average of 10 hours after injury, kept at 32 degrees to 33 degrees C for 24 hours, and then re-warmed. A specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation who was unaware of the treatment assignments evaluated the patients 3, 6, and 12 months later with the use of the Glasgow Outcome Scale. The demographic characteristics, causes, and severity of injury were similar in the hypothermia group and the normothermia groups. At 12 months 62% of the patients in the hypothermia group and 38% in the normothermia had good outcomes (moderate, mild, or no disabilities). The researchers concluded that Treatment with moderate hypothermia for 24hours in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and coma scores of 5 to 7 hastened neurological recovery and may have improved the outcome. (Marion et all) Two studies done (one in Australia and the other in Europe) showed the therapeutic v...

Friday, February 21, 2020

Describe this art figuer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Describe this art figuer - Essay Example At first, I did not see the relevance between the title of the artwork, and the woven textile. So I searched the title and found out that it was named after the humans common cold virus. The pattern in the woven art is a resemblance of the actual genetic sequence of the rhinovirus type 89. Phillip Stearns is an artist whose works focus on translating digital information into an artwork. In the case of the Rhinovirus Type 89, into a woven textile. The codes are translated into computer-generated data that can be expressed through the textile being woven and knitted. Each color of the textile in the artwork pertains to the specific code of the genome sequence (Stearns, 2014). With more information on the background of the artwork, I found it even more amusing and revolutionary. How it was created shows the merging of science, technology and arts, and it is really fascinating to see that the letters or codes that scientists use can be deciphered by

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Project proposal Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project proposal - Dissertation Example al., 2011; Amoako, 2011). The research will therefore focus on the effect of staff training on enhancing the experiences of the customers visiting McDonald’s. The research will further help to evaluate the different techniques employed by the management of the company in training their staff for maintaining effective relationships with their customers. The globally renowned foodservice retailer McDonald’s has in excess of 33,500 restaurants serving around 68 million people across 119 countries every day. The company employs more than 1.7 million personnel worldwide. Although 80% of the restaurants are franchised, McDonald’s is committed in providing best-in-class products and services in each of its restaurants spread across the world. Furthermore, Diversity and inclusion is a part of the company’s culture which has helped the company in maintaining effective relations with vast number of people from various cultural backgrounds (McDonalds, 2012). Limitati ons In this modern world, it has been recognised that companies in the hospitality and food chain industry integrate innovative strategies to train their employees for enhancing customer relationships and experiences regarding their service. Thus, the study involves a wide range of researches from the primary sources. However, due to the appropriateness and unavailability of adequate information, this research will consider taking both primary and secondary sources (Olejnik & Algina, 2000; Bazeley, 2004). Overall Research Aim The aim of the research is to analyse the effects of staff training in McDonald’s for enhancing the experiences of the customers. Furthermore, the research will focus on identifying the different and innovative strategies which are employed by McDonald’s in providing efficient training to their employees. Specific Research Questions The research will be conducted in order to evaluate the answers for the following questions: 1. What is the relation ship between employee performance and customer experience in the food chain industry? 2. What are the staff training aims and strategies initiated by McDonald’s? 3. How staff training acts as a determining variable towards effective customer experiences in McDonald’s? Research Methodology Research methodology is referred to a structured framework through which the research is conducted for generating appropriate results. In other words, it is the identification of appropriate methods which will result in deriving the desired objectives and aims of the research (Spratt & et. al., 2004). According to Brannen (2009), there are three types of research methods, namely, qualitative, quantitative and mixed approach. The author further stated that mixed approach has however gained rapid popularity. In the mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative results are derived for appropriately fulfilling the objectives as well as to remain in focus with the research aims (Branne n, 2009; Flowers, 2009). In the proposed research, the qualitative results will be evaluated by reviewing various numbers of journals and books written by popular scholars. On the

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Advantages Of Internet Censorship Media Essay

The Advantages Of Internet Censorship Media Essay Nowadays, the internet has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate. The internet has become an important communicative tool, which brings significant convenience and efficiency for people. However, the internet also has severe weakness. Although the internet is comprehensive and the internet is not easy to limit, many countries are working on the censorship of the Internet. The issue of internet censorship is a complex and controversial one. As a matter of fact, the censorship of the internet is a double-edged sword. The censorship can work in some instances, but in others it can be detrimental to society. This essay will first explain the advantages of internet censorship. Then the essay will explain the harm of internet censorship to the society. The internet censorship can be a protection measure. As the internet is open and comprehensive, the quality and authenticity of internet information is questionable. There are a lot of undue materials online, such as pornography and violence, which undoubtedly exerts a negative influence on people especially children physically and psychologically. Although there are several laws which regulate the illegal information and illegal activities, the laws are not complete enough to regulate all the illegal or immoral activities. It is very hard to charge a person for internet crimes, especially if the person is from a foreign website. Thus, the illegal activities and undue information are still rampant on the internet. Thus, internet censorship is needed for internet regulation. The censorship of internet can cleanse the internet information and protect people to some extent. The censorship of internet can filter the inappropriate information online and protect children from disturbing websites, such as, child pornography, sexual violence and detailed instructions in crime or drug use. The undue internet information may weaken childrens moral consciousness and pollute childrens soul. Thus, the undue websites can have a severely bad effect on the healthy growth of children or even cause adolescent crime. However, children are easy to contact undue internet information. Since parents can not monitor the web pages that children browse in any time and at any place, the censorship of internet can help the parents to filter undue websites for children and protect them from the misguidance and negative influence of internet. An opinion survey carried out by a professor in Charles Sturt University found that parents were worried about the pornographic content on the internet. In order to protect children from the negative influence of extreme, violent and pornogr aphic information, 93% parents support the mandatory internet filtering. The censorship of internet can help women. In order to get more click rate and benefits, many adult websites advocate violent sexual abuse of women. Many women suffer from the hell made by the internet because the internet makes them sold into slavery through the international sex trade (Mallisk, D., 2009). The censorship of internet can block access to these websites, regulate or even shut down some of these websites, and thus reduce the sexual exploitation of women in the internet. Thus, the censorship of internet can protect women to some degree. The censorship of internet can guard people from the disturbing email spam. For many net citizens, junk email is a troublesome problem. Some junk emails may have malware, and the malware will be activated when net citizens open the email. Some junk emails may be phishing schemes that attempt to steal net citizens identity and threatens the economic safety and privacy. Some junk emails may be fraudulent schemes or offensive material. Besides, there are a lot of annoying unsolicited advertisements (Mallisk, D., 2009). Spam filters can block junk emails for net citizens and make their internet life more safe and simple. The censorship of internet can protect the life privacy of people. The inappropriate information has threatened the life privacy of Australian people. As the incident that Google Street View cars collected personal data by WiFi systems illegally was complained, the Australian Federal Police has involved in investigation. Australian Communications Minister Stephen Conroy accused Google of doing it deliberately and said the move was the single greatest breach in the history of privacy (Shears, R., 2010). Besides, there are some net citizens or websites that make a mala fide use of internet to diffuse others privacy, like others private video, private pictures and so on. The censorship of internet can prevent these duly. Thus, sometimes, in order to protect the privacy of people, the censorship of internet is necessary. The censorship of internet can protect peoples economic interest. Some internet information can threaten peoples economic interest. Internet banking frauds happens frequently. The censorship of internet can filter a great deal of fraudulent information in the internet and enhance the supervision and control of internet banking. Due to internet censorship, a great number of financial frauds, phishing, identity thefts, credits card thefts and many other illegal activities are prevented (Manohar, U., n.d). Therefore, the economic loss of internet users are reduced or avoided. The censorship of internet can decrease internet violence and protect peoples personal security. In Australia or even the whole world, internet bullying and violence has become a serous issue. There are many suicide cases caused by internet bullying. The internet users are anonymous and the information spread fast on the internet. Some users take advantages of internet to carry on internet violence. The users may slander, abuse others and expose others privacy, which will bring about great harm to the victims. Many stars are the victim of internet violence, which can even cause the outcome of suicide. Some websites make use of internet illegally, which will give rise to baneful influence and threaten peoples life security. Internet murders happen. Through social networking sites, internet users deceive and murder other users. There are some suicide websites that abet suicide, communicate suicide knowledge and provide suicide methods. The occurrence of all these incidents and similar incidents make the internet censorship necessary. Internet censorship can prevent unjustified defamation, limit internet violence and protect peoples life security. The censorship of internet can help to protect social stability and national safety. Since the internet censorship can help to curb the large number of illegal activities and internet crimes, it is good to the stability of society. Some illegal organizations or people may release black information which will disturb the national economy and polity. The terrorists and extremists may release false information to distort facts, confuse the public peoples mind and create fear and panic thorough internet. These kinds of information will sabotage the national safety and must be deleted or filtered to avoid the misunderstanding of the public. The protection is not only about the physical preservation of the people, and foremost, it is a force and guidance in the morals and values of the nation as a whole (Coleman, B., 2010). There are many inappropriate and immoral content and information on the internet which will have a severe negative influence on the moral and value shape of the public. The censorship of internet can help filter the undue information which may corrupt the moral standard and soul of the public. Thus the censorship of internet can protect to maintain the mainstream morals and values of the nation and help the public to form healthy and reasonable internet using consciousness. The censorship of internet attaches importance to the whole rather than individual. That is why China that believes in communism can implement stringent internet censorship. The disadvantages of internet censorship The most important point against the censorship of internet is that it is against the freedom of speech and it violates human rights. The internet is an important communicative tool, which provides a platform of people from all around the world to make free speech. It should be a place where people can express their views and position regardless of societys acceptance. However, the censorship of internet censor, filter and even delete some peoples free speech. This measure hinders the free spread of information. Peoples rights of free speech, rights of communication and right to know are violated. This breaches the spirit of democracy. This measure is detrimental to websites which express particular thoughts and view. It is an obstacle to the development of internet. People may be worried about that the government will abuse the right of censorship and violates the democracy of the society. The censorship is controlled by the government. The government may abuse the right of censorship to exclude the speeches and information opposed to the authority. The government may manipulate the rights of censorship to hide information which is disadvantageous to its policies. The government that has rights of internet censorship may silence anyone who doubt about the government. The political party in party may manipulate the rights of censorship to limit the power of political opponents. The publics right to know is deprived of and the public are controlled by the government. Consequently, without the supervision of public, the democracy of the nation is damage greatly, which will give rise to serious negative influence to the whole nation. Some undue websites, such as pornographic websites, no one wants that to be available. However, the real issues limit ed by the censorship of internet go far beyond the regime. In China, although many pornographic websites and forum are banned and blocked, the government, in fact, focus on the censorship of political website. The censor to the sensitive words such as Taiwan, religion, Tibet and human rights are very strict. Besides, some disputed information, such as euthanasia and homosexuals will be block. The public can not get enough information to these disputed issues. Thus, prejudices and intolerance emerges, which will bring unfairness to the society. The censorship can also have negative effect on the judicature of the society. In China, some people are accused of agitating people to topple government and arrested because they publish and spread articles and information to oppose and criticize government. However, the conviction criterion of this accusation is very vague. The judicial interpretation is not adequate. The government has to much space to determine this issue. Thus, many scholars and lawyers submit a joint letter to limit or abolish this accusation. Besides, many scholars and lawyers ask for the judicial interpretation of this accusation. The internet censorship may challenge the authority of judicature and cause the damage to the authority of laws. The censorship of internet will bring about great economic cost. First, the expanse on the work of filter can be very expensive (Nicholson, J. D., 2008). Further, a broad scale filter proposed by the Government may also drive up related costs, such as data center staff needed to deal with an increase in customer complaints when they can not access sites(Riley, D., 2009). Second, the Internet filter could ruin National Broadband Network (NBN) speeds. A test paper released by the Australian Communications and Media Authority showed that a proper implement of a censorship regime would likely, at best cause a 20% drop in internet speeds or even more higher speed drop (Riley, D., 2009). As the internet speeds are slowed down, that means longer time will be spent on doing business and the productivity will fall (Riley, D., 2009). It will make a big difference to business when a filtering slowdown, like downloading files. If clicking on something, it will waste lots of time to wait it open. Therefore, the Internet filter affects the efficiency of business and may bring about loss or waste of money. In addition, if there is Internet traffic, lots of filtering units and some mechanism are needed for changing the busy to small parts. These will cost lots of money. The whole efficiency of business is slowed down and this will cause great economic cost. The censorship of internet limits the development of on-line service trade. The internet is a global market. As the development of internet, electronic commerce based on the internet replaces the management frame of standard commerce in a great measure. Moreover, the electronic commerce has mostly covered other forms of transnational trade. As the development of internet market, it makes great contributions to the whole economy. The trade supervision problems of internet market are emphasized, which include trade restriction, undermining trade environment and electronic commerce investment, information service and internet transmission. One of these measures is to prevent the access to the website. The censorship of internet implemented by different nations is always against the rules of WTO. These nations always force some preponderant websites to conform to the censorship of these nations. As a result, the internet trade is influenced seriously. To the on-line trade, the internet c ensorship is a kind of non-tariff barrier. The censorship of internet will have a negative effect on the work, study and communication of net citizens. The filtering of key words influences the research of scholars, teachers and students. The Internet filter is software which controls access to online content. These methods are more commonly referred to as a black list or white list. The filter prevents inappropriate content with white list, black list or keyword system. As its name implies, a black list blocks all websites or material restricted by an authority. The reverse, a white list, bars access to all Internet content except items approved by the filter. Keyword system checks keywords entered, limiting some sensitive words, such as sex. By this way, many useful information and normal key words may be filtered. Because of the internet censorship, people can not express themselves freely and get much information as they want. The creativity of people is discouraged, which is bad for the political, technological can cultu ral innovation of the whole society. Conclusion In conclusion, the censorship of internet is a double-edged sword. The censorship can work in some instances, but in others it can be detrimental to society. The censorship of internet can reduce the illegal activities on the internet. It provides physical protection for net citizens. The censorship of internet can protect children from undue information. It can also help women. It can also protect the economic interest, life security, social stability and national safety. Besides, it protects people to sustain the moral safety of people and help people to form healthy internet using consciousness. However, the censorship of internet also has its detriment. It violates peoples rights of free speech and may sabotage democracy. It can bring about great economic costs and prevent the development of international on-line trade. Meanwhile, it limits people to get enough information to fulfill research and study, and thus the creativity of people may be discouraged. There is no absolute fr eedom in the world, thus the internet can be an absolute free place. Although the internet censorship has its disadvantages, the negative effects of internet censorship can not be overdrawn. However, the transparency of internet censorship must be enhanced. The internet censorship without supervision is dangerous.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Choctaw Tribe Essay -- Sociology, Dead, Spirit

When a Choctaw tribal member became terminally ill, it was common practice for the medicine man to inform the family of impending death (Swanton 1931:170). Upon death, the Choctaws believed that the spirit of the dead continued on a voyage to either the good hunting ground or the bad hunting ground. This journey would take many days, which would require the proper provisions. A dog would sometimes be slain in order to accompany his master on the long journey. After the introduction of horses, they, too, were killed so that the spirit had means of transportation. Food, drink, clothing and shoes were also offered (Cushman 1999:302, Swanton 1931:170). After death, the corpse was placed on a scaffolding about five or six feet above ground. The platform was constructed of timber and placed on poles. The body was then covered with a blanket made of animal skin and tree bark so not to attract scavenging animals. The body remained in this position until the flesh decayed, approximately four to six months (Cushman 1999:302-3). During this time, immediate family was considered to be in formal mourning. Each day for a short period of time, family members would be found weeping at the scaffolding (Fogelson 2004:507). Once the flesh had decayed, the bone picker began his ritual. â€Å"The Bone-Picker never trimmed the nails of his thumbs, index and middle fingers which accordingly grew to an astonishing length – sharp and almost hard as flint – and well adapted to the horrid business of their owner’s calling† (Swanton 1931:176). The remaining flesh, tendons, muscles and nerves were ripped from the skeleton, bundled up and placed on the corner of the platform and burned, or disposed of in a field (Cushman 1999:303, Swanton 1931:1... ... the spirit would feel guilt or fear, and attempt to dodge the stones. Slipping from the log, he would fall into the raging river and over the waterfall, landing in rapidly swirling pool of water. Pulling his beaten, tattered, and unclothed body from the water, the shilup, begins his journey into the bad hunting grounds. Every step is filled with the pain from briars, thorny trees, chestnut burs. The sun never shines and cold winds are always present. Every spirit encountered is an enemy with no safe place to take refuge. Food is scarce, due to unfertile soil, and hunger is constant. The bad hunting grounds are perpetually lonely, with only the joyous sounds coming from the other side of the mountains. The doomed spirits constantly struggle to climb the treacherous mountains, but to no avail. They are eternally destined to an afterlife of desolation.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Project Management Essay

Due to the rapid changes in the working world and the business environment, organizations have been forced to transform as a way of surviving in the ever-changing business environment. According to Gardiner (2005), most organizations Have adopted projects as their means of implementing change within the organization. The adoption of a project oriented a approach, with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization. While use of best practices in project management may not guarantee success in the change of an organization, the presence of projects increases the opportunity for success. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tools for implementing change within the organization. The Concept on Project Management Project management refers to the discipline managing, planning and organizing resources to achieve successful completion of specific project objectives and goals. A project is in nature a finite endeavor, that specifies the date as to when it should begin, and the time when it should end, this is done in order to create a unique service or product that brings about added value, or beneficial change in a company. The finite character of the project is different from operations or processes of an organization, some of which may be permanent or functional work, that are used to repeated operations, with the aim of producing similar goods or services. Management of the two systems is always complex and difficult. There is therefore need to employ distinct technical skills and adopt separate philosophy of management, that would enable the implementation of the best project that can bring beneficial returns to the company. messages. Application of Project Management in Organizational Change According to Gray & Larson (2006), in the regime where implementation for change is the motto for most organizations, projects are the best vehicles for implementing change. The aspect of project management has in fact become more significant than ever. In any company that needs to change its organizational structure so as to change with the improving technology, or in order to meet the needs and wants of the consumers, projects are used as the vehicles for implementing the required change, and managing the related change. It is however important to possess the ability to sustain and build project management in order to succeed in the implementation of change. The importance of project management has been illustrated by the efforts of Swiss Re organization by using all its business operations to meet the requirements of e-business. Projects were used as the main vehicles for implementing this change. Great concern has however been expressed in the way most projects once began fail to deliver, or get stopped while they are underway. According to a research carried out by Levine (2005), most of the Information technology projects implemented were discouraging with 90% of the projects being late to deliver change in the organizations. It has been shown that, 50% of the projects are never completed at the right time, while 30% of the projects began are stopped while still underway. Project management allows the implementation of change in an organization in a more organized manner likely to realize success. The major challenge of any form of project management is to attain the objectives and goals put in place, while at the same time adhering to project constraints which are usually in the form of time factor, budget and scope. The more ambitious and secondary challenge is the optimization of integration and allocation of inputs that may be necessary to meet the goals and objectives. The success of a project management is associated with the nature the project itself. Projects involve most of the key players in an organization, both the managers and the workers at the lowest level. Projects also involve the entire organizational participation. For instance, it involves people, money, provisions, motivation, communication and space, in order to achieve the project objectives and goals. With the contribution of all these elements, an organization is able to identify and make use of the best resources as a means of attaining the best results. Gray & Larson (2006), have emphasized that the managers can easily identify the talented workers and most potential factors in the organization, and allocate them where they can give a maximum contribution towards the achievement of the company. Management of a project is often the key responsibility and province of a specific individual project manager. The manager however does not participate directly, but instead strives to maintain progress and motivate other factors involved in the process, so as to achieve the objectives. The aim of the project manager also involves striving to achieve productive mutual interaction of the active parties, in a way that the entire risk of failure is reduced. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. The project manager should be well equipped with the vision and mission of the organization, so as to direct the process of the project in the right direction, failure to which the project may fail to deliver, be late to achieve its goals, or get stopped while underway due to discouragements. The project manager represents the interests of clients and has to implement, as well as determine the specific needs and requirements of the clients, based on the understanding of the organization they are representing. Gray & Larson (2006), have expressed that the capability to adopt the available internal systems of the contracting organization, and to establish close links among the nominated representatives, is an important step to ensure that the major issues of quality, time, and cost among others are attained with the main aim of client satisfaction. A successful and focused manager should be in a position to envision the whole project from the beginning to the end, and should have the skills and ability to ensure that the vision is realized in order to achieve successful change within an organization. In order to attain successful change by use of a project, there is need for the project manager to consider the three key factors that include human resources, time and finance. If an organization is in need of achieving change in the shortest time possible, there is need to employ more people and resources towards the problem. Though this may increase the cost of the project, it may be the best way of achieving an organizational change in the shortest time possible. Doing the task quicker in fact helps to reduce the cost of the project, the organization may end up spending the same amount it may have spent if it was to carry the same project in a prolonged period. Researchers have established that, there is no single way of implementing a project within an organization due to the fact that each each enterprise is unique, has different characteristics, and different financial capability. It is therefore important for the project managers to consider the features that are appropriate and important within any organization. Consideration of the important factors guide the project managers to come up with appropriate and accurate projects that can easily realize the vision of a specific organization. Cultural Factors Considered in the Implementation of project Management According to Dye & Pennypacker (1999), some of the important cultural organizational factors considered while implementing a project include the history of the previous enterprise implementations, record of failures or success of the company is looked into, as this provides an insight into what should be done to achieve success in the project. A consideration is also done on the types of operational work and projects to be managed, organizations that are able to clearly prioritize and identify their projects end up with rigorous features of a project from the initial stages to the end, unlike organizations that do not identify and prioritize their projects at the first stages of implementation. The number of departments involved within the organization are also considered. This directs the planners to consider if the project is meant to satisfy a small number of users, or whether the project should expand in the process, if other departments will be incorporate as time goes by, or whether all the departments will be involved from the begging, thus requiring the project to satisfy a large number of users from the on-set stage. The expectation and support of the senior leadership is considered as a very important factor, because their involvement drive acceptance, and appropriate expectation. This is important for the success and realization of the changes expected within the organization. The value to the end user and management is absolutely important to ensure that the change implemented through the use of the project satisfy the needs and expectations of all parties involved in the process. According to Levine (2005), organizations also consider the maturity of the desired project management discipline. The 2007 project server is often used as it contains important features for managing projects. Where an organization is considering the application of project management for the first time, it is not easy to incorporate all the capabilities at the first instance. Studies have established that, staging the first features in project management implementation help to establish both the short term and long term changes effected in an organization. Any changes that are likely to take place are considered due to the fact that, if too much changes takes place, the chances of implementation reduce, with most of the people within the organization becoming resistant to the change. Resistant to change is one of the human characteristics. Critique of Project Management Approach Researchers have however established that there still exist discomfort in the use of projects. While project management is preferred as the most efficient way of implementing change within an organization, use of too many projects may fail to deliver the desired results. Researchers have asserted that, most projects in organizations fail to deliver due to the use of poor project management practices, whose importance has been ignored by managers over a long period of time (Balogun, & Hailey, 2004). Grundy, & Brown (2002), have argued that the approach of organizational management is not effective on its own in the field of information technology, because they assume that IT solutions are developed by a technical team. The potential solution for organizations dealing with IT has been stated to be misaligned with the important characteristics of an organization like incentives or culture. Combining the management of projects in IT and organizational change management as it has been argued, cannot produce the desired results for the organizational change. Conclusion From the above analysis, studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. Senior managers spend a lot of efforts and time promoting and formulating their strategy, but most of the time, they realize very little changes within the organization. The strategy may not yield the results expected, somehow the original goals are dissipated in the process of moving the strategy to implement the change, and the initial momentum may be lost before the anticipated benefits are achieved. Failure to implement change occurs as a result of the senior management trying to make use of the the existing structures and systems within the organization, the status quo, to change the same status quo. The adoption of a project oriented a approach with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization.